From Concept to Charisma.
Elegant and precise.

Websites & Branding

With a blend of creative finesse and strategic insight, we at morgentau sculpt solutions that sharply define your brand's identity. Our foundation is built on dedicated collaboration.

Where good design starts and brands are formed.

Based in the heart of Europe, Frankfurt am Main,
we serve clients both nationally and internationally
as a

We specialize in creating unique websites and branding projects that make a lasting impact and bring brands to life - beyond momentum.
Boutique Agency.
As a boutique agency, we focus on a few, carefully selected services, which we implement precisely to guarantee the highest quality and top-notch support.

This is us:
Our values


Pioneering and Innovation

At morgentau, pioneering thought is our compass, guided by cutting-edge technologies and innovative work paradigms.

Like the North Star in the design and technology firmament, we illuminate paths to innovation and set benchmarks for excellence.


Quality and Strategic Insight

At agency morgentau, 'boutique' symbolizes not just exclusive quality but also profound strategic insight. We tackle challenges with empathy and a focus on human-centric design.

While others stop at designing, we inspire; where others merely talk, we understand; and where many just process, we critically rethink.

Curiously Creative:

Boundless Creativity

Our ethos at agency morgentau transcends conventional thinking – we embody 'Curiously Creative.'

Unrestrained by the usual confines, we venture onto uncharted paths, transforming unconventional ideas into reality. This journey blends innovation with beauty, resulting in creations that captivate and inspire.

Light in the Dark:

Clarity in Every Endeavor

In an often ambiguous world, agency morgentau provides lucidity.

We delve beyond superficialities to uncover underlying connections. Our motto is not only to do things right, but to do the right things - for our customers, our team, and our environment.


Excellence through Collaboration

Co-lab at agency morgentau signifies team synergy and a culture of high-level collaboration.

Our team, a collective of visionary young minds, is united by a shared dedication. While we cherish the joy in our work, we equally respect the gravity of our pursuit for excellence. Our approach to partnerships transcends simple cooperation; they are the core of our operations.





Champaign, an avant-garde champagne producer, marries exquisite taste with a commitment to social good. Each bottle features a QR code prominently on the front, guiding purchasers directly to the charitable projects Champaign endorses. This innovative approach showcases the company's ambition to blend luxury with meaningful action.

Beverage Industry
Blender, Adobe Photoshop, Figma, Webflow
Creation of 3D Models, Website Design, Web Development


Conception, Design, Development

For Champaign, morgentau has crafted a custom website that highlights both the distinctiveness of the champagne and its philanthropic mission. At the heart of the site's design is a 3D-rendered champagne bottle that moves as the user scrolls, offering a dynamic introduction to the Champaign brand ethos. The website delivers a fluid user experience, enabling visitors to explore the brand's narrative and the social initiatives it supports seamlessly. Its design elegantly echoes the sophistication of champagne while celebrating Champaign's dedication to fostering positive social impact.

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Konzeption und Design


Visual Identity

To support the sophisticated website, morgentau created additional elements aligned with the underlying branding. These included the development of the central 3D model of the champagne bottle, the creation of brand guidelines, and the design of illustrations in a traditional, luxurious style.

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Eike Czada
MO-FR  9:00 - 18:00 CET
Schumannstraße 27
60325 Frankfurt am Main
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Webflow, Websites and Brand Design



Tailoring website concepts that mirror our clients' unique identities.


Crafting detailed and personalized wireframes as the groundwork for web interfaces.

Figma Design

Creating visually striking and contemporary website designs in Figma.


Programming and Deploying adaptive websites with Webflow, marrying technical finesse with creative prowess.


Guiding projects from concept to completion with agile project management.


Graphic Design

Producing compelling graphics that vividly convey brand narratives to the target audience.

Print design

Crafting print materials that grab attention and make a memorable impact.

Logo design

Developing unique logos that encapsulate a brand’s essence and bolster recognition.

Brand design

Constructing cohesive and impactful brand identities that distinguish companies in their markets.

Brand Guidelines

Establishing detailed brand guidelines to ensure uniformity across all branding efforts.


For website content
Photo production

Capturing expressive photography that authentically represents your brand, leaving a lasting impression.

Video production

Creating engaging videos that embody storytelling at its finest, stirring emotions.

Drone Footage

Providing breathtaking aerial perspectives that captivate and draw in your audience.

Text & Copywriting

Delivering compelling textual content that effectively communicates your message, urging potential customers towards the next step.


Creativity flows through design and code, but it's the human touch that makes our work unique. We are a close team of young thinkers dedicated to creating distinctive, digitally-driven brand stories and experiences, tailor-made for you and your audience.

Experience through Excellence

Our creations deliver more than just results; they craft experiences. Through listening, understanding, and meticulous implementation, we forge lasting quality that inspires.

Partnership with Perspective

We view our clients as partners in the creative journey, aiming for enduring solutions that transcend the temporary and catalyze change.

Flexible Feedback Culture

We prioritize dialogue and maintain open channels for feedback, allowing continuous updates on our work progress. Our approach is not to limit feedback loops; we continue refining until the client’s expectations are exceeded.

Authentic Collaboration

More than just a service provider, we act as a strategic ally, offering our full support and guidance through every step of the process. We’re an agency committed to achieving the best outcome, which means sharing ideas, feedback, and concerns openly.

Inspiration as a Driving Force

Our team is propelled by a passion for innovation. We concentrate on novel solutions that capture your brand's essence and animate it with creative vigor.

OUR Aspiration

Eike Czada

Founding partner;
Head of client

Jan Michalczonek

Founding partner;

morgentau® - The boutique agency that transforms depth of thought into excellence.

We understand the challenges and opportunities that start-ups and SMEs face. By combining technical expertise with strategic creative vision, we create brand experiences that inspire our clients and partners.

Our work's acknowledgment via industry-specific awards in web design, web development, and branding serves as a testament to our unwavering commitment to excellence and meticulous attention to detail.

We understand the challenges and opportunities that start-ups and SMEs face. By combining technical expertise with strategic creative vision, we create brand experiences that inspire our clients and partners.

Our work's acknowledgment via industry-specific awards in web design, web development, and branding serves as a testament to our unwavering commitment to excellence and meticulous attention to detail.


Over the years, some exciting numbers have emerged.

Over 80 iterations on a project until perfection.
For an in-house brand production, 45 vintage items were collected, including some related to the Olympic Games, Polaroid cameras, and sports equipment.
23 terabytes of design files stored.
Worked for companies in 14 countries.
More than 200 different fonts tested for the perfect typography in projects.
Projects from 21 industries realized.
Filled 37 sketchbooks as a team.
Worked with over 110 tools.
Our team spoke to customers in 5 languages.
More than 210 Webflow websites developed.
The Essence of morgentau

The German word 'morgentau' symbolizes the fresh start of each day, marked by the first rays of sunshine that warm the world and decorate every blade of grass with glistening dewdrops.

In this moment of purity and clarity, when nature awakens, we find our inspiration. This moment embodies our aspirations for new beginnings and originality.

Our philosophy is to integrate this naturalness and freshness into our creative processes. We strive to make brands shine with real stories and new ideas.

'morgentau' represents not only the beauty of the moment but also our commitment to always being ahead in technology, design, and communication. This vision is reflected in every customer project we pursue with passion and dedication.

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Eike Czada
MO-FR  9:00 - 18:00 CET
Schumannstraße 27
60325 Frankfurt am Main
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Our answers to your questions.
How does morgentau differ from other agencies?

morgentau's approach is distinctive from that of conventional agencies. We prioritize openness to new ideas and mutual inspiration. This philosophy not only transforms the way we work but also the results we achieve for our clients.

We see ourselves less as an agency and more as a creative collective dedicated to transforming our clients' wishes into impressive results. Our approach to every project is to approach it with curiosity and a spirit of innovation, supported by a combination of strategic thinking and creative passion.

What is the process of working with morgentau like?

The collaboration commences with a kick-off meeting, during which we ascertain your vision, goals, and specific requirements. We then develop a customized timeline for the completion of the various components, which includes regular updates and review sessions to ensure that the final product meets your expectations.

Does morgentau also offer support after project completion?

Upon request, we can provide ongoing support for both your brand design and our web development services. This ensures that your brand or website is always up to date. As standard, each of our website developments includes a free maintenance package for the first three months after going live, to ensure smooth use immediately after launch.

How does the morgentau agency keep its clients up to date during a project?

We maintain regular communication with our customers through status updates and coordination meetings. We utilize modern communication and project management tools such as Slack or Notion to ensure a transparent and open exchange throughout the project.

Furthermore, we are pleased to accommodate your preferred communication methods.

How flexible is morgentau when it comes to modifications during the course of the project?

Flexibility is one of our core values. We understand that requirements may change during a project and are prepared to adapt our strategies and designs accordingly. We deliberately do not restrict our clients to a limited number of iterations, but work until it really fits.

Does morgentau also offer services for companies outside Germany?

Our expertise extends across borders, with experience working in Germany and internationally. We have worked with global brands and can incorporate cultural nuances into our creative strategies to create resonant brand experiences worldwide. A particular focus of our international work is the North American market, which makes up a significant part of our client portfolio. Furthermore, we have already successfully completed projects with customers from a diverse range of locations, including Europe, the Middle East, South America, and Australia.

Each of our team members is fluent in business English.

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